Dossier for "Copy (for Data Subject)" (Demo)

The sheer number of legal provisions makes it difficult to keep track. This is why we added the "Dossier" function for key terms, which displays the most important sources for various terminology. It ensures you can gain a quick and knowledgeable overview of the entire legal situation.

This free "demo" version of the dossier only provides an excerpt featuring the first two articles and recitals. If you purchase the PrivazyPlan®, every aspect will be covered.

Dossiers are currently available for the following terms:

AdvertisingAnonymisationAutomated Decision In Individual CasesCompensationComplaintComplianceConsentCopy (for Data Subject)CorrectionCross-Border ProcessingData MinimisationData Portabilitydata protection by designData Protection GuaranteeData Protection Impact AssessmentData Protection OfficerDeletionDisclosureEncryptionEstablishmentExtensive ProcessingFilesFineGroup Of UndertakingsIdentificationLegitimate Interests (Controller)Legitimate Interests (Data Subject)Limitation Of ProcessingObjectionObligationOpening ClausePermissionPersonal Data BreachPrivileged PurposesProcessing On BehalfProcessing On Behalf (Controller)Processing On Behalf (Processor)Professional secrecyProfilingProhibitionProofPseudonymisationPublication Of Personal DataPurpose (Binding)Purpose (Change)Records of processing activitiesReporting to supervisory authorityRepresentativesRevocationRisk For Rights And FreedomsShared ResponsibilityStrategieTask in Public InterestTechnical And Organisational MeasuresTransfer To Third CountriesTransmissionTransparency

The dossier for "Copy (for Data Subject)" has 5 matches:

Article 15 (3) - Right of access by the data subject

3. The controller shall provide a copy of the personal data undergoing processing. For any further copies requested by the data subject, the controller may charge a reasonable fee based on administrative costs. Where the data subject makes the request by electronic means, and unless otherwise requested by the data subject, the information shall be provided in a commonly used electronic form.

Article 15 (4) - Right of access by the data subject

4. The right to obtain a copy referred to in paragraph 3 shall not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

The match number 3 is available, if you buy the PrivazyPlan®.

The match number 4 is available, if you buy the PrivazyPlan®.

The match number 5 is available, if you buy the PrivazyPlan®.

Hinweis: Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Auswahl der Trefferstellen ganz subjektiv nach unserem fachlichen Ermessen erfolgte. Wir haben uns speziell auf jene Bestimmungen konzentriert, die die nicht-öffentlichen Stellen betreffen. Für Korrekturen und Anregungen sind wir dankbar.
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Would you like to implement the EU General Data Protection Regulation step-by-step? Do you want clear explanations of specific issues and well-thought-out checklists? Do you want to ensure you are data-protection-compliant? If so the PrivazyPlan® is just what you are looking for.

© SecureDataService, Nicholas Vollmer, St.-Johannes-Str. 112, 41849 Wassenberg, Germany, +49 2432 93 44 20 - 0, (siehe Impressum / Datenschutz) (04.04.2023)